Artwork & Technical Specifications for Greeting Cards
There are no extra charges for the preparation of artwork for printing so long as you are able to send us digital files of sufficient quality.
If you are comfortable preparing the files yourself then please follow the specifications below. If you are not, don’t worry. Send us the files that you have and we will prepare them for you at no additional cost.
Image File Specifications:
Files should be sized to the exact required dimensions plus 3mm on each side (so an additional 6mm on each of height and width). This is to allow room for cutting to the exact size and is known as the bleed.
You then need to make sure that there are no critical elements such as text or important parts of the image within 5mm of any edge.
All greeting cards, postcards and business cards are printed in cmyk colourspace so please supply files already converted. If you do not, we will carry out the conversion but cannot guarantee that the colours will not be affected.
I am happy to work from almost any file type, but jpeg & tiff are the preferred options. If you are preparing the artwork ready for print yourself please send as a flattened pdf. All files should be to full size at 300dpi in cmyk.
Greeting Cards
Greeting cards are printed on one side only. This means that you have the front and the back of the card (when folded) available for print, both in full colour. It usual to put contact details, an identifier such as the image name and perhaps a small version of the image on the back.
Greeting cards are supplied flat, creased, ready for you to fold and bag. Boxes are available if required, contact us for details.
So for an A6 card, we need: Full Size – 154mm x 216mm Finished Size – 148mm x 210mm (Image needs to be 154mm x 108mm)
Click here to see an example layout.
A6 Promotional Cards
These are essentially single sided postcards. you can have whatever you like on the front of the card. They can be used as image samples, invitations, oversize business cards, whatever you like.
Full Size – 154mm x 111mm Finished Size – 148mm x 105mm
Business cards
Standard size, single sided business cards.
Business cards can be pretty much whatever size you would like. If you would like something a bit different contact us for a quote.
Full Size – 90mm x 61mm Finished Size – 84mm x 55mm
Standard double sided postcards are printed as a separate product, but are just as cost effective and images can be mixed from volumes as low as 50 per image. Both sides are printed in full colour and can be exactly what you want. We have a standard template for a traditional postcard back if you would like to use that.
Note: Only a 2mm bleed is required for this product.
Full Size – 152mm x 109mm Finished Size – 148mm x 105mm